Sunday 26 October 2014

Would you lie for the company?

Would you lie for the company?

1- Sir won't lie because I think that telling a lie is overlooking your mistakes, mistakes are opportunity to learn and make sure that I will never happen again.

2- Off course no for lies. If it helps the company to enrich the ethical values and it does not harm the environment. I will do for the success of the company.

3- Lying is not in a matter of choice. It all depends on situations and condition that one have to deal with all due respect to pros and cons. I am not a person who always speaks truth and lie as well, but I feel I am the one who always prefer to find the best alternatives way.

4-  I won't said I'm not lier. Because everyone lies at any situation. If he/she is not lier, in my point of view definitely thats not a human. Human tells lies at least one situation. But, I'm not supporting lies. But, if I would tell lie, that depends on company benefit definitely I do until no more harmful to anyone.

5- No, I never lie for the company because if today I lie for the company then tomorrow I definitely lie to the company.


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